According to Tibetan astrology, from July 13, 2023, 15 days of living water and healing plant energy begin. Therefore, all Tibetans, especially healers and shamans, go to mountain rivers and springs at this time to make supplies of energetically strong water.
Tibetan astrologers explain the power of magical days by the influence of the star Bellatrix on Earth (the constellation Orion). The time of healing energy begins at dawn on July 13th and will last until dawn on July 28th. At this time, not only water in natural springs becomes healing, but also plants, flowers, herbs. Therefore – swim in reservoirs, collect medicinal herbs, make herbal preparations, brew potions, make rejuvenating and healing compounds.
Happiness, Success, Love!
(according to the Tibetan calendar, Yungdrung bon tradition, old style)
My dear international friends and readers of other countries!
I apologize for advance for possible inaccuracies in the translation into English (automatic Google translator is used)