Магический круг Любви

Magic Circle of Love

Mandala is a magic circle with sacral patterns, which have a secret code. So people think in Eastern Asia. You can create a mandala of Love or Prosperity, Luck or Wealth. To do this, you should be able to “enclose” necessary energy in the circle with symmetrical geometric marks or other patterns.

If you observe the mandala with particular meaningful energy you can get a very good result. Do you want to meet your soulmate or to have love, harmony and mutual understanding in your house? Then you should have a mandala with energetic code of love at home. It should be on well visible place. Look at it as often as you can. You may listen to a beautiful tune. It activates mandala magic circle.

I have created this beautiful mandala and have filled it with energy of Love and Prosperity.
It is very colorful, bright and energetically strong…

Magic Circle of Love


Mandala dimensions are: 100 mm x 86 mm, height is 41 mm (3.9 inches x 3.38 mm, height is 1.6 mm)
Weight is 530 g (18.7 oz)

The stone was brought from the Black Sea coast.
This is hand painting with acryl.

It was made without using any stencil.
Mandala is coated with a thin coat of acryl lacquer for protection.

P.S. If you want to activate energy of Love and Prosperity you can observe the mandala every day. It is very useful to listen to mantra of Love (see and listen in a video below)

2 thoughts on “Magic Circle of Love

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